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黄芩10,玄参10,野菊花10,连翘10,鱼腥草15,板蓝根15,射干10,炙百部10,桔梗10,麦冬10,干石斛20,甘草6。煎服,日一剂,分二次服。 玄参10克,麦冬10克,金银花6克,板兰根10克,石斛10克,桔梗10克,蜂蜜50克。 上药(除蜂蜜外)共放罐中,加水1500毫升,煎煮至剩500毫升左右,滤去渣,将液倒入保温杯中,兑入蜂蜜溶化即可,代茶水频频饮用,每天一剂。 说明:此方有养阴清热,利咽止痛的作用,适宜于慢性咽炎患者出现咽喉干燥,灼热疼痛,干痒音哑,口舌干燥或伴有呛咳者。 慢性的咽炎是需长期调养好,不是几天就能好的,所以应多一些耐心,觉得咽喉不舒服也不要过于急躁,保持良好的心态。如果平时有一些不太好的习惯,注意及时戒掉。首先是不应该再抽烟了哈,避免因为抽烟产生的气体对咽喉产生了影响,因为这段时间,全国很多的地方老是出现雾霾,所以,在这些地方的朋友,平时就需要少外出活动了,等空气好了再加强运动锻炼。 一般有慢性咽炎,做好这些的同时,如果搭配着 御浓柑呗草搽,远离咽喉不适就再好不过了



Chronic pharyngitis people often have itchy throat, dry, slight pain and other symptoms, some patients also hoarseness. The above symptoms appear, in the daily diet in addition to pay attention to eat stimulating food, with food can also be natural, homemade recipe to recuperate, can get beat all results.


The pathogeny of chronic pharyngitis is more complex, thus suffering from this disease, should be timely to hospital Otolaryngology examination, and find out the pathogeny to treat chronic pharyngitis diseases. Chronic pharyngitis is not throat pain, swelling of illness, treatment can cause rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis media; laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis and pneumonia. Patients should be aware of the harm of chronic pharyngitis, treatment, right. At the same time, workers should pay attention to develop good habits, good ventilation windows, drink boiling water. Every 2 packets of Cuba Gan Zhilu pharyngeal respiratory particularly carefree, ancient sweet dew can rapidly dissolve dead phlegm, clearing throat pharynx toxic, reconstruction of immune defense barrier, pharyngeal itching, nausea, retching, foreign body sensation, cough with abundance of phlegm, throat irritation, burning disease have very good effect on the throat.



Take 200 grams of water chestnuts, peeled and chopped, into the juice machine pressed into juice, drink juice. This is the 1 volume, can be long-term adherence to drink. Traditional Chinese medicine thinks, water chestnuts and cold, sweet, with Qingrejiedu, thirst, dampness and phlegm and other effects. It against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and other bacteria have certain inhibition. Chronic pharyngitis often eat kumquat, sweet dew drink formula, can clean and moist throat, improving the environment, eliminating the throat hoarse voice, pharynx dry symptoms such as itching.




